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Paul Roos Gymnasium
Paul Roos Gymnasium
Photo by Willem Malherbe
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Dr. Japie Coetzee
3 Verreweide
Stellenbosch 7600
021 883 3550
082336 7259

Japie Coetzee

Japie Coetzee

Author of over 30 books

Rector of Paul Roos Gymnasium, 1975 -1977, and
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Education at Stellenbosch University

Jacob Carel Coetzee was born on 12 June 1931 in Krugersdorp. He matriculated from Dealesville High School in 1948 and studied at Stellenbosch University to become a teacher. (BA 1951, S.T.D., MEd. 1953, DEd. 1980).
He was principal of the following schools: Greyton Secondary School (1964 - 1969), Bonnievale High School 1970 -1972), Hugenot-High School in Wellington (1972 -1975) and Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch (1975 -1977).
He then joined the Education Faculty of Stellenbosch University as a senior lecturer in Didactics.

Japie Coetzee is an active member of the Dutch Reformed Church. He is married to Rina, a music teacher, pianist and portrait painter. They have 5 children: Japie, René, Anet, Ernst and Johan.
Swimming, tennis, gardening, woodwork and reading, especially historical books, writing books


Do unto other people as you would like them to do unto you.
Help wherever you are capable of doing so.


Tweetalige Hulp, Maskew Miller, 1960
Kom ons praat en skryf korrek, Maskew Miller, 1961
Noldus, youth book, Maskew Miller, 1962
Die Wit Swaan, youth book, Maskew Miller, 1963
Ons algemeenste Engelse taalfoute, Maskew Miller, 1965
Examination English for Std.8, Nasou Bpk., 2de taal
Bakens na Brandberg, reisverhaal, Buren Uitgewers, 1969
Jeugweerbaarheid, Nasou Bpk., 1979
Wenke vir lesse in Jeugweerbaarheid, Nasou Bpk., 1982
Ankers vir die dienspligtige, Klipbok-Uitgewers, 1985
Jeugweerbaarheid en Gesinsvoorligting, Perskor, 1986
Twee en vyftig waarhede, dagstukke, Lux Verbi, 1987
Kom ons gesels eers, gesprekgids vir gesin, Lux Verbi, 1988
Vlugteling André de la Fontaine, youth novel, Tafelberg, 1989
Manlief, verstaan my tog; huweliksadvies, Lux Verbi, 1990
Fokus op die lewe, godsdienstige dagstukke, Lux Verbi, 1990
Ek en ander, tienerverhoudinge, Lux Verbi, 1991
Raar maar waar, ware gebeure, Waterkant-Uitgewers, 1992
Onheil vir die Meermin, historical youth novel, Perskor, 1992
Ek en ek, selfbeeld van tiener, Lux Verbi, 1992
O gaats, dominee!, humor, Waterkant-Uitgewers, 1992
Ou seun, weet jy wat 'n man is?; briewe, Waterkant-Uitgewers, 1993
Askies, meneer die speaker, humor, Waterkant-Uitgewers, 1995
Broeders en susters, humour in church, Van Schaik, 1997
Die kuns van getroud wees, Protea-Uitgewers, 1998
Gee my krag, depression, Protea-Uitgewers, 1999
Hoe om met ander mense klaar te kom, Lux Verbi, 2001
Juweelverhale uit die Ou Kaap, Lourette, 2002
Juweelverhale: 1800/1900
Ek en die Bybel - Op soek na die waarheid, 2004
Gister se Stories vir Vandag, Imaging Data Solutions, 2009
Boeiende Ervarings, 2009 (Contact the author to buy the book)
Reviews by Francois Verster

Information by Japie Coetzee, August 2002

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