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L. M. Muntingh

1929 - 2019

L.M. Muntingh

Author of publications on the Old Testament and the ancient Near East
Lectured in Semitic Languages at Stellenbosch University
Head of Biblical Studies from 1969 - 1977

Lukas Marthinus Muntingh was born on 28 June 1929 in Prieska in the Nothern Cape. He studied at Stellenbosch University (BA 1950, MA 1954, DLit 1963 and DTh 1973).

"If the environment has any influence on a person's character it must have been the vast open spaces of Prieska, where Lukas Muntingh was born that inspired him to undertake an energetic search for the horizons of knowledge.
Having started his career as a minister in 1956 and as a lecturer of Semitic Languages at the University of the Orange Free State in 1960, he was awarded doctorates in Semitic Languages (The social structure in the Canaanite region during the Late Bronze Age - 1963) and in Old Testament theology (Israel and the Amorites - 1973) from Stellenbosch University, where he was appointed, first as senior lecturer in Semitic Languages in 1963, and then as senior lecturer in Biblical Studies in 1969, a position which he held until his retirement in 1994. In 1995 he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Translation.
As a member of various national and international academic societies he has read a variety of papers on themes ranging from semantic studies of Hebrew terms to Hamito-Semitic linguistics. His interest in Oriental languages and archaeology led to academic visits to countries such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, England and the USA.
Close to forty articles in academic journals show the benefit of this Wanderlust and learning.

The Department of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Stellenbosch University is honoured to be able to dedicate this volume to our teacher, colleague and friend."
Ferdinand Deist et al, in Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, Volume 22, No 2 (1996), which was dedicated in honour of L.M. Muntingh

Lukas Muntingh read a paper at the 50th Rencontre Assyriologigue Internationale Conference, held for the first time in South Africa from 2 - 6 August 2004.

His main interest was comparative linguistics, while his recreation were swimming and jogging.

In 1958 Lukas married Aletta Maria Fourie, a social worker in Reitz. They had four children, Narina, Lukas, Wynand and Andreas. Aletta died on 20 October 2010. Lukas Muntingh died on 10 December 2019 in Stellenbosch at the ripe old age of 90.

Publications and Book Contributions:
A number of popular scholarly articles as well as several reviews of books on the Old Testament and the ancient Near East also appeared.
1971: "The City which has foundations": Hebrew xi. 8-10 in the light of the Mari texts, in: Eybers, I H et al. (ed.), De fructi oris sui. Essays in honour of Adrianus van Selms. 108-120. Leiden: Brill
1978: Israelite-Amorite political relations during the second millennium BC in the light of Near Eastern politics. A study of relevant Amorite, Akkadian and Hebrew concepts, in: Fronzaroli, P (ed.), Atti del Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica Camito-Semitica, Firenze, 16-19 Aprile 1974. Quaderni di Semitistica 5, Istituto di Linguistica e di Lingue Orientali Universita di Firenze, 211-236
1984: The conception of ancient Syro-Palestinian kingship in the light of contemporary royal archives with special reference to the recent discoveries at Tell Mardikh (Ebla), in Syria, in: H I H Prince Takahito Mikasa (ed.), Monarchies and socio-religious traditions in the Ancient Near East, 1-10. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
1987: The international Amarna correspondence and Western Asian diplomacy in the Amarna Age (14th Century BC). Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Asian Studies. Hong Kong, 515-526
1987: The international Amarna correspondence and Western Asian diplomacy in the Amarna Age (14th Century BC). Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Asian Studies. Hong Kong, 515-526
1988: Second thoughts on Ebla and the Old Testament, in: Claassen W (ed.), Text and Context: Old Testament and Semitic Studies for FC Fensham, 157-175. Sheffield: JSOT Press
1991: Syro-Palestinian problems in the light of the Amarna letters, in: H I H Prince Takahito Mikasa (editor), Essays on Ancient Anatolian and Syrian Studies in the 2nd and 1st Millennium B.C. Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, Vol IV, 155-194. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
1992: A Syro-Palestinian free man during the Amarna Age, in: Wezler, A & Hammerschmidt, E (eds), Proceedings of XXXII International Congress for Asian and North African Studies. Hamburg, 25th-30th August 1986 (ZDMG Supplimenta 9), 466-467. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
1994: Care for the poor according to ancient Near Eastern and biblical legal texts. Proceedings of the fourteenth international Symposium on Asian Studies, Hong Kong, 1992, 503-514
1996: What did the Ammonites' deities mean to them? The concept of deity as revealed in Ammonite personal names, in: Van Wyk, K (ed.), "Feet on Level Ground". A South African Tribute of Old Testament Essays in Honor of Gerhard Hasel, 194 - 301. Berrien Springs, MI., USA : Louis Hester Publications
1999: Munting, Muntingh, in : Heese, JA and Lombard, RTJ (original compilers; edited and augmented by GISA), South African Genealogies, Volume 5, L-M, 741-744. Stellenbosch : Genealogical Institute of South Africa.
Animal similes and metaphors in Ancient Near Eastern wisdom literature, published in Journal for Semitics.

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