Obituary pdf (by Carmel Schrire in SA Journal of Science)

H J Deacon
1936 - 2010
Author of publications on African archaeology
Head of the Archaeology Department at Stellenbosch University
from 1971 until his retirement in 2000
Hilary John Deacon was born on 10 January 1936 in Cape Town.
He attended school in Cape Town, studied Archaeology at the University of Cape
Town (PhD 1974) and was a British Council Scholar at London University.
Hilary Deacon started his career as a field geologist in East Africa and was
later appointed Archaeologist and Deputy Director of the Albany Museum in
Grahamstown, from 1963-1971.
From 1971 he was head of the Archaeology Department at Stellenbosch University and a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra (1984), a Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago (1978), and a Visiting
lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1986.
He served on the Council and was a Past-President of the South African
Archaeological Society, the Southern African Association of Archaeologists, the
SA Society for Quaternary Research, and a member of the Board of Iziko
Museums in Cape Town.
His research focused on the emergence of modern humans and African archaeology. Since 1984 he was principal researcher at the Klasies River Caves, one of the oldest known sites of anatomically modern humans who lived there circa 125,000 years ago.
H J Deacon was married to the archaeologist Janette Deacon and they had three children: - Andrew, Harriet, and Melissa.
Hilary Deacon died on 25 May 2010 in Stellenbosch.Publications:
Some 100 publications in journals, books,
monographs and conference proceedings.Human beginnings in South Africa (with Jeanette Deacon), David Philip,
Understanding HIV/AIDS Stigma - A Theoretical and Methodological Analysis (with I. Stephney and Sandra Prosalendis, Hsrc Press, 2006
Book contributions:
The origins of modern people - the evidence
from Klasies River (with Schuurman, R). In: Continuity or replacement: controversies in Homo sapiens evolution. ((eds Brauer, G. & Smith, F. H.) ,
Rotterdam, Balkema, 1992
Peopling of fynbos. In: The ecology of fynbos: nutrients, fire and diversity (ed Cowling, R. M.), Oxford University Press, 1992
Selective regime and time (with Jury, M. & Ellis, F). In:
The ecology of fynbos, nutrients, fire and diversity (ed Cowling, R. M.),
Oxford University Press, 1992
Historical background of invasions in the southern
African Mediterranean region. In:Biogeography of Mediterranean
invasions (eds Groves, R. H.& Di Castri, F.)
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991
Text by H. J. Deacon
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer
