The famous Bruynzeel House
A Landmark in Stellenbosch

Beauty is the promise of happiness.

Deutsche Version Deutsch    Description   Aart Bijl   About the background to the Bruynzeel House project   Huis Bruynzeel is 50 jaar oud, en mooier as ooit

The Bruynzeel House is a landmark in Stellenbosch.

East front of the house
In 1982 - click to enlarge

A work of art and a technical wonder built from teak, glass and face brick in 1962
Architect: Aart Bijl.

Another architet called it
the most beautiful house in the most beautiful town in the most beautiful corner of the world.

Look at these views !   Photos   Our garden

Deon de Villiers' photos of Bruynzeel House

The incredible lightness of living under a hyperbolic paraboloid

Die Hoogste Hoek
"Die Hoogste Hoek" (Highest point)
East Front
East Front
Night front
Entrance hall
Entrance hall
6m high corner
6m high corner
living room
yellow-wood ceiling
Yellow-wood ceiling
Dining room
© Deon de Villiers
Deon de Villiers at 18 Constantia Avenue
Deon de Villiers
"Golden Acre"
3 Alamein Rd
Somerset West
Tel: 021-852 1530
deon44devilliers AT
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up   Zauberer Zettelwitz  Landmark House © Rosemarie Breuer

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